Monday 27 October 2014

Write Down & Always Keep Near You...

I came across this photo while I was scrolling through my tumblr dash and I really liked it. I'm all for doing things to help improve your day/life and things that make you feel more positive about yourself. Thought I would do this here, so lets give it a go!

3 Nice things people have said about you: 
(For this one I couldn't remember anything specific, so I decided to go ahead and ask some of my friends. They replied very generously so I'm gonna put just a bit more than 3)

1. I am very passionate about the things I love, specifically music.
2. I have a good sense of humour.
3. I'm not afraid to speak my mind.  
4. That I am selfless and care about the world a tremendous amount.
5. I'm a good friend. 

3 Nice things you've done for others:

1. Became vegetarian and working on being vegan. This is one of the nicest things I have done in my opinion because I am standing up for animals who don't have a voice and am trying my best not to contribute the downfall of our ecosystem and the slaughter of innocent beings.
2. My grandma has Alzheimer's and when she was still somewhat there, I would go visit her once a week. I stopped going so much because it got to the point where she wouldn't even speak to me or acknowledge me; I still went from time to time when I was in Canada.
3. If a friend needs me for something/really upset, most likely I will drop everything to try to help them. Now I can't always just drop everything but I definitely try my best to make my friend feel better, whether that be sending them silly photos or attempting to give good advice.

3 Good Memories:

1. Concerts. Hands down any concert I've been to I've been the happiest. The ones that stand out are the 1975 (Toronto & NYC show), Kodaline, Andrew McMahon (and Jack's Mannequin & Something Corporate), the Maine. 
2. Being at the Cliffs of Moher in Galway, Ireland. I have never felt more at peace and more at home than when I was there. It had always been a dream of mine to go to Europe and that moment when I was standing on the cliffs looking out to the ocean, it just felt so right. 
3. A snow day in grade 7 or 8. My two friends and I decided to have our own snow day and that day we decided to make a horror film. This wasn't unusual for us and I was the scary character that day... I was called "the Smudge". 

1 comment:

  1. I love this idea and I'm happy I was with you for one of your most memorable moments. Ireland forever!
