Saturday 27 June 2015


Yesterday was a huge day for all LGBT+ community in the United States. The Supreme Court ruled in favour of gay marriage to be legal in ALL states. When I heard this news I was so surprised and extremely happy, I mean think of how long everyone has been waiting for this... it's a basic HUMAN right and no matter your sexual orientation or gender, you are a human and we all deserve to be treated equally. It is kind of insane how it took this long for this law to pass. None the less, it has passed and it was a great day.

I saw posts all over twitter and Facebook and every social media you could think of. It was overwhelming and brought me to tears... I cannot even imagine how the community must feel. Love is love. Love will always win. I will never understand how some people think that being gay or transgender or asexual.. etc, is the worst thing on this planet and those people deserve to go to Hell. I mean, isn't God all about loving people? Accepting of people and forgiving, not judging. It truly makes me sad that some people can't see that love is just LOVE, no matter what gender is involved, it's a great connection between two people. Everyone deserves to have the right to marry the love of their life and I could not be more happy than those people in America, that have been waiting so long for this day. They are finally seen as equals in marriage rights and its wonderful.

The world still has a lot to work on for LGTB+ rights, Women's rights, as well as basic human rights in lots of countries! But every step towards a world full of love and acceptance, is something to celebrate. Congratulations to all of the people in the states that can now legally marry who they love!!! LOVE WINS.

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