Monday 22 September 2014

Body Positivity

For some reason, a lot of people think how we look is the most important thing in our lives. I personally think the media has a lot to do with this but also people around us. It's the first thing you notice about someone, how they look. But soon after meeting someone, you notice more things about a person.. the things that matter; like their personality and their favourite songs and their views on life. I think those things are way more important than someones appearance. Both men and women have body issues and it is a huge thing in our culture. People get shammed for being too thin but oh, you can't be too big..also you need muscle but not too much muscle. People have unrealistic expectations for themselves and sometimes for other people, which is totally unacceptable in my eyes.

I saw somewhere how it seems like bigger girls can't post a photo without a caption along the lines of "proud of who I am" or some justification for posting the photo. How ridiculous is that?! That they feel like they have to justify that they are proud of their body whenever they post a photo of themselves just because they are bigger? I know this goes both ways (I am speaking mainly about women here) how some people insult others for being too thin. We just can't get it right, can we? We need to create a world where everyone has their own, different body and are happy with themselves. No one needs to bring down girls with a slimmer frame by saying "real girls have curves" and no one needs to call someone "fat and lazy" just because they are bigger. There are plenty of bigger girls out there who are perfectly healthy.

I myself, struggle with body issues. I used to workout like crazy and count every calorie but I enjoyed the way I looked. I wasn't too skinny and could do almost every workout. People told me I was starting to get crazy, so I toned it down.. just a bit too much. I started to not care about it and not exercise and eat like crap. So now I'm a lot heavier and probably really unhealthy. Im not happy with myself and I'm not happy with the way I look. But I know I should be focused on my health and not the way I look; my health should be the only thing that matters. I'm starting to be more body positive about myself and I am learning to accept myself. Yes I want to lose some pounds so I can fit into my clothes better and feel more confident, but I can't stop living life just because I don't like the way my body looks.

I wish everyone would just accept themselves and love themselves for who they are, regardless of how they look; along with myself.

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